Dev Update: is this HYVE 2.6?

How's it going dear HYVERs? As summer came to an end, so did our holiday plans. We can't lie, August has been a month for vacations, meaning that we have been a bit slow with the updates. Q4 is just around the corner, meaning that we have a lot in-store to close the year in full strength - and what better way to start than with a Dev Update?

Let's start with what we improved these past couple of months!

For our new HYVERs, who are unfamiliar with our blogs, here's a brief of what we to expect on a regular basis from HYVE.

What are Dev Updates? 

Dev Updates are blogs that highlight our latest improvements in our platform, from a UI/UX perspective. Morever, based on constant community feedback, we improve the platform features and fix any bugs that users notice. Our articles combined a mix of technical and general language, ensuring that even less IT-savvy users can easily understand. 

We aren't fixing just the platform!

We're starting it a bit differently this time. This week we had the second episode of our upgraded newsletter! We have migrated to Substack, a leading provider of newsletters, with many accounts related to freelancing, crypto, and much more which will definitely grab your attention. Make sure to subscribe and never miss a beat!

Now moving on to other non-platform fixes - we have updated our Terms and Conditions, as well as our Privacy Notice. These two pages will be shortly added to our website so that users have easy access to any legal information. Moreover, whenever you now access, you will notice our new Cookie Policy, where you can opt in or out of personalized recommendations.

Back to the techy stuff!

The main fixes

With an upgraded platform, the expectations are much higher. Overall, throughout the past month, we have been working on both the landing page, as well as the HYVE Platform, with an increased focus on design, quality and usability.


Within the HYVE Landing Page, we have added a new component in the footer, including our Social Media links. In this way, users can easily access HYVE on all their favorite channels, meaning you are connected to the latest updates in real time. Additionally, we have added a Changelog, where we will document all improvements and change requests within HYVE.

Since HYVE greatly values their partners, we have added a carousel component, containing all the logos of our dear friends.

Head over to HYVE and check out our long and ever-growing list of partners.


Moving onto our flagship, the HYVE Platform, where most of our work was directed. We have improved the flow required for editing user profiles, making it much simpler. Moreover, we have added User Notifications, which allow you to know exactly when a potential client or freelancer has responded to your listing!

Some more notable improvements include the Banner Carousel component, which was added to the Platform's homepage. This provides a good spotlight for the hottest positions, be it tasks or jobs, within Web3. If you want to make a radical career transition, then be the first to take the opportunity.

Within the operation aspect, we have also improved the Exchange Rate for listings, making it more accurate compared to FIAT currencies, such as the USD. To add to the listings topic, we have removed the duplicate issues for Jobs, while also improving the comparison of packages within Offers.

Lastly, since we want you to be connected at all times to your freelancing activities, we have worked on improving the mobile version of the HYVE Platform. We have added more fixes to our mobile version, which is why we focus on usability and simplicity!

Now with all these platform improvements, it would be a pity if we don't hear about your successful freelancing story. Head over to HYVE, start posting some listings and create a client base and build your freelancing story. Let's start a conversation on X, where we hear some of your wins and how HYVE was able to assist you!

When do we see the next updates?

The first quarters of the year were dedicated to building - the last two are dedicated to delivering. Q3 is not yet over, but we have some more things in store to surprise you for the end of September. While we cannot say what it is so far, we can assure you that it is just the beginning of upgrading and renewing our infrastructure, getting closer to becoming a universal platform!

Stay tuned for more!