PancakeSwap Listing Date & BSC Bridge
As you already know, we’ll be providing liquidity on PancakeSwap soon. The event will take place Wednesday, the 17th of March in the afternoon on PST time. Generally, the listing should take place around 8–10 PM Pacific Standard Time.
Once the listing takes place, we will lock the liquidity as we did with the liquidity provided on UniSwap. We will be offering approximately $400K in liquidity on PancakeSwap, this number may vary by a bit depending on the exact exchange rates on Wednesday so we will be updating this number after the TXid has been made.
The Circulating Supply will not increase as a direct result of our listing! All the tokens that are being put on PancakeSwap are already circulating tokens.
Changing HYVE ERC20 to HYVE BEP20
We will be providing our bridge so that people can easily change their ERC20 HYVE tokens to BEP20 HYVE tokens. The bridge will be published on our website in a special section. It will feature an easy-to-use interface so that people don’t have to go through it.
After changing your HYVE over to BSC as an HYVE BEP20 token, you can then make use of PancakeSwap directly. We will be editing this article with further instructions.
We have more surprises in store for the coming weeks and the following month so stay tuned for that!
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