HYVE Monthly Recap: May

We kept teasing that summer is nearby and we're slowly nearing the holiday season - it looks like we're finally here! You can finally start counting the days until V2.5 is released, culminating a busy two quarters with our most polished and awaited product.
HYVE can be defined in one word, and that is consistency. Despite our dev team being incredibly busy, we have still delivered numerous token integrations and hosted AMAs with our new partners, while also releasing several blogs to aid your freelancing journey.
Oh and not to forget, HYVE has been present and will still continue participating in prestigious web3 events, allowing us to further our mission for adoption.

Let's switch it up this time!
Let's talk about the more exciting stuff! HYVE is proud to participate in various conferences and web3-related events, in order to connect with our fans, meet prospective partners, and spread awareness of our platform and the web3 freelancing phenomenon.
Earlier this month, HYVE was present at AWSummit in Bucharest, where we discussed with potential partners and business development and met with some of the local web3 startups. We like participating in both local and international events, as it provides us with better insights into the market and what supporters and users are looking for.
Follow us on Twitter for more information about when HYVE will participate in new events.
Time to jumpstart your freelancing career
Our informative blog series continues with some tips and tricks to get you running and set your freelancing career on a successful track. We've taught you the basics of freelancing, with some insights into polishing your skills and creating an effective portfolio for clients. If you still don't know where to start, we compiled a list of the most sought-after occupations, currently trending amongst freelancers.
While we're at it, did you know that software development is one of the most lucrative professions right now? Reconverting to software development might be a difficult process in the beginning, but as soon as you get the ropes, it will become an impressive and rewarding career change. Read our blog to find out more about how you can successfully build a career in software development.
Once you have all these skills in place, you can start looking for places to provide your services. In this case, you'll start ranking freelancing platforms based on their features and how much they simplify your work. We know that V2.5 will be a revolutionary product, disrupting traditional freelancing, but until then, we explored some of the main features freelancers are currently looking for and how web3 only enhanced that.
We've added four more tokens!
This month was a bit slower in terms of tokens, however, this is to be expected when you have over 100+ integrated payment options! Worry not, as you know our quality standards for partner projects are incredibly high, and we are trying to provide just the right diversity to our users for payment options.
We started the month with anonUSD, an algorithmic stablecoin from Offshift, a leader in on-chain privacy. Offshift enables asset diversity, by leveraging Chainlink oracles and allows easy shifting between public assets and private synthetics. In this regard, Offshift provides 1:1 collaterals, meaning that you get what your burn, dollar for dollar.
It has been a while since our last double token integration, and this time we did it thanks to Frax Finance. Frax is the first stablecoin protocol to implement design principles of both to create a highly scalable, trustless, extremely stable, and ideologically pure on-chain money.
Lastly, we finished off with $POND, from Marlin Protocol. Marlin is an open protocol that provides a high-performance programmable network infrastructure for DeFi and Web 3.0.
Have you participated in our AMAs?
We have been hosting AMAs with most of our token integration partners. We usually talk about future development plans and partnership potential, but it can also act as a way to meet the project team. Participating in our AMAs also comes with a financial incentive, as you can be rewarded for your questions.
What next?
All our efforts are highly geared towards delivering V2.5 in time, for the much anticipated June deadline. In the meantime, we hope to see some of you at Web3 Berlin, where you can get an early glimpse into V2.5.
Make sure to stay connected to our socials, as we will release some sneak peeks in the next couple of weeks!